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AIAB Decisions on Appeals

8. Case No. AI4431: Certain information related to the Income Support Project for the Poorest (Decision dated February 3, 2017)

7. Case Nos. AI4300 and AI4409: Certain information related to the Empowerment and Livelihood Improvement “Nuton Jibon” Project (Decision dated February 3, 2017)

6. Case No. AI4381: Certain information related to the Empowerment and Livelihood Improvement “Nuton Jibon” Project (Decision dated February 3, 2017)

5. Case No. AI3634: World Bank’s Review of the Procurement Process for the Dewatering of the Tamnava West Field Mine in Serbia (Decision dated December 3, 2015)

4. Case No. AI3613: Documents of the Task Force on Private Foreign Investment of the Joint Development Committee of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (Decision dated December 3, 2015)

Pursuant to the above decision, the following documents have been made publicly available:

        (a) Host country policies : performance requirements (English)

        (b) Investment incentives in home and host countries (English)

        (c) Performance criteria stipulated by host countries (English)

3. Case No. AI3127: Public Access Requests Received by the World Bank in October 2013 and Related Information (Decision dated June 11, 2014)

Pursuant to the above decision, the requested information has been made available to the requester. 

2. Case No. AI1362: Turkey Emergency Flood and Earthquake Recovery Project (Decision dated February 15, 2013)

        (a) AIC Supplemental Decision on Appeal (dated January 28, 2013)

        (b) AI Appeals Board Note of Adjournment (dated December 13, 2012)

1. Case No. AI1473: ISRS for India Mumbai Urban Transport Project (Decision dated December 13, 2012)